by Archaeology IN | Nov 24, 2018 | Babylon, Iraq, Restoration
In Iraq, A Race To Protect The Crumbling Bricks Of Ancient Babylon Mohaned Ahmed is standing on scaffolding at the ancient site of Babylon, dipping water into a bucket and sponging the bricks around a stone relief showing a dragon with a serpent’s head. The...
by Archaeology IN | Nov 18, 2016 | Heritage Destruction, Iraq, Nimrud
⭕ لئلا ننسى …… #التراث ملك #الانسانية، فحافظ عليه جيداً. والأكثر أهمية، ساعدنا في الحفاظ عليه Lest we forget……#heritage belongs to #humanity, take good care of it, and most importantly help us preserve it #Nimrud (Kalhu) – #Iraq...
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