Archaeology IN
Welcome to the Archaeology Information Network In the field we dig into the PAST! Online we dig into the FUTURE!We are not makers of history, We are made by history.
A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.

the past
In the field we dig into the PAST!

The Future
Online we dig into the FUTURE!

In reality we live into BOTH!
Our Story
Since its inception in 2012
ArchaeologyIN — the Archaeology Information Network
has endeavoured to stimulate interest and research in archaeology and
cultural heritage protection, highlight issues of common concern and draw
attention to the ongoing problem of site looting and the
sale of illicit antiquities.
different, but not
While the world’s heritage properties differ greatly in size, type, age and scope, the daily challenges and responsibilities countries face in protecting their heritage is very similar.
It takes a village…
ArchaeologyIN understands that the tasks to conserve and protect these historical sides and landscapes go beyond the physical attributes of the sites themselves and includes the entire environment and interaction with communities.
Da’esh, however, was not the first to have damaged, destroyed, looted, or neglected cultural heritage.
History in Ruins

Highlights From the ArchaeologyIN Network
Professional integrity is the cornerstone of ArchaeologyIn’s credibility. Information disseminated through the network maintains a code of ethics centering on public trust, truthfulness, fairness, independence, and accountability.
In disseminating information we cannot always guarantee ‘truth’, but getting the facts right is our cardinal principle and we strive for accuracy, give all the relevant facts we have, and ensure that what we post has been been checked. When we cannot corroborate information
we say so.
Here are a sampling of some of our recent posts. To follow along with country-specific archaeological news, please check our social media links for the countries we cover in the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
اجتماع دولي في مدريد حول التراث الثقافي والتنمية
مدريد 27-28 نوفمبر 2018 ناقش الاجتماع الدولي حول التراث الثقافي والتنمية، الذي نظمته الوكالة الإسبانية للتعاون والتنمية الدولية، دور الثقافة والتراث الثقافي كأداة رئيسية للتعاون من أجل تحقيق مجتمعات سلمية وتشاركية وشاملة.عقد الاجتماع في مدريد في الفترة من 27 إلى 28...
Rebuilding the Oldest Archive in the History of Mankind in Digital Form
The Ebla Digital Archives [ EbDA ] aims to provide a digital edition of the entire corpus of Ebla texts. It includes all documents published so far in the ARET series (“Archivi Reali di Ebla – Testi”) as well as in other monographs and journals. Compared with hard...
In Iraq, A Race To Protect The Crumbling Bricks Of Ancient Babylon
Mohaned Ahmed is standing on scaffolding at the ancient site of Babylon, dipping water into a bucket and sponging the bricks around a stone relief showing a dragon with a serpent's head. The image is so well defined it looks as if it might have been made yesterday...
Sanaa: Rare drone footage captures life amid the rubble in war-torn city
⭕ صنعاء: لقطات نادرة من الجو تصور الحياة وسط الأنقاض في المدينة التي مزقتها...
Discover the compelling 3,500-year-old story of Idrimi
⭕ Discover the compelling 3,500-year-old story of Idrimi – a refugee from...
Nimrud النمرود
⭕ لئلا ننسى ...... #التراث ملك #الانسانية، فحافظ عليه جيداً. والأكثر أهمية،...